Poetry & Prose 2017
For all my far-flung offspring
Dear child
since they haven’t told me
you were eaten by a bear
or were swept away by a wind
I am just here
standing fear
aka possession
on its head
assuming you are not dead
but instead
just distracted
like a moth in the maelstrom
of daily life
whirling around
the still center
Today my life went up in smoke
My life went up in smoke
Like these
California hills
All these fires!
I used to fret,
Believing they were
Just outside -
Until it dawned on me
That my life inside
Had been smoldering
For years.
At first,
Too much to bear!
I bleated and retreated
Into my customary trance
Where I stayed until today
When I stepped out in a daze
To collect flowers
For my wake
Leaving my dinner
Bubbling away on high
And before I could say
All those false hopes I'd left
Sizzling in the grease
Of millennia of fear
Burst into glorious tongues
Of flame
And my house exploded
Flinging all my
Happy dreams
And ghastly fears
Far and wide
Into the
Bottomless void
Watching aghast
I managed to catch
A crispy bit
As it sailed past
Took a taste
Made a face
And threw it away
Now all I can say is
What a relief!
Perhaps now, my dear,
You can just stop,
And sit down here
In the burnt out circle
Of the place you used
To dream and scheme
Sit quiet
And weep the rivers
Of your tears
Quench your grief
With gratitude
For simply
most sweet grief
remembering you
my most sweet love
I drown in grief
beyond understanding
or belief
An empty space in a moment of time
What have I done
To so deeply hurt
One I love?
Awash in ignorance
Desperate to fix, to hold,
To keep,
I ask and ask for help
And feel nothing
But the weight
Of mountains of pain
Groping through curtains
Of confusion and despair
I seek the silent opening
Until at last
The words of a Friend
Slip through:
“Life is not
About you.”
Then I remember
That indeed
Life is not
About making things
The way I think they should be
By controlling
Or possessing you
To make you
Fill my void.
All I need
Is me
And all I can do
Is be
Just what I am:
An empty space
In a moment of time,
An opening
For Love
We sit
At the clear eye
Of the storm
While life surges onward
Going exactly
It needs to go…
Let it go, let it go!
Fall in
Ride the tide
Open your heart
Deep inside
And fly free
Into the boundless
Just sitting here
In the embrace
Of these trees
In whose
I am privileged
To dwell,
I am held
So perfectly
At Peace
And at One
With outside
And in
That I am loath
To move and
Get on with
In this
Still moment
In the lull
Between breath
And breath
And death
Life breathes free
Here lives the Joy
That annuls
All misery.
Stop thinking!
They say.
You must Silence the Mind
If you want to be
Happy and free.
But who says
Must always be Noisy
Fretful, fearful, angry,
Loaded with despair?
There is Thought
That is Deep
And Clear
Pure as water
As Silence
That kind of thought
Is Prayer.
Contentment in the midst of volcanic wonders
Falling into myself
With a comfortable plop
I find myself
Free in this world
At peace in my soul
Snug in my body-home
Never alone.
Thus I offer my joy to the world!
What other offering can I make?
Oh you who deserve all, all,
To you I give the very last particle
Of my body and being.
My hand I offer for the dance
My shoulder for the building
and the carrying
My mind for creating
And imaging.
I cannot stop this paean
This song of joy
At finding freedom
At dislodging the boulder
Of my fear
To uncover
An Unquenchable Light
I who am without Source
Am part of All
Free and independent,
Owning nothing
Empty and light
Free as wind
Yet filled
My hand
Capable of opening
Offering a lift, a motion, a comforting pat
My voice ready
To laugh or sing
My being ready to do all
Or nothing
To let be
To demolish lies and self-doubt
To parley
To discover
To marvel
To work together
To build a new home
Made of sacred emptiness
No hurry, no hurry
In the midst
Of volcanic wonders
Yosemite Falls and the Merced River after the great freeze of 2017
High high high
In another
Space and time
The water
Churns and roars
To its death
Tumbling over and over itself
Into a thousand forms
Down and down
It plummets and bounds
Until at last
Ice needles pile
In a soft and massive tomb
Burying all
In shifting
We used to stand
Exactly there
Safe on a bridge
Of colossal logs
Above the deep
And rushing stream,
Gawping and dreaming
At the plume
Of white far above
At the luscious thunder
Of the nearby falls
Our faces a-tingle
With the tiny mist
After the strange new winds
And freezing floods
A kindly and
Astonished guard
Bars the trail
With photos
Of forbidden "frazil ice":
The tomb
Of our old bridge
Its great logs snapped
Like twigs
I walk down
Under sodden pines
Across the saturated
Forest floor
To find the River:
Self-same water
That leapt to its death
High above us
Here reborn
Alive and well
Limpid and golden
In its depths
On and on it flows
As if nothing
Could ever
Harm the world,
Serenity in its bosom
Laughter in its ripples
Drawn ever onward
To the all-embracing
Of the Sea
That such a thing
Is even possible
Is the death
And the joy
And the life
Of me.